Dobie Family, our Valentine's Day dance will be February 9th from 4:30-6:30. See details on flyer! Familia Dobie, nuestro baile del Día de San Valentín será el 9 de febrero de 4:30 a 6:30. Ver detalles en el folleto! 🐾💙
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
Our BMS Cheerleaders were putting in work with a Saturday Practice Sesh! 🐾💙 #DobiePack #DobiePride #BMSDobies #Dobermans
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
bms cheerleaders
Our basketball teams did a fantastic job yesterday! Great job Dobies! 🐾💙 #dobiepride
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
Dobie Pack, our Open House will be February 27th from 6:00-7:30. Hope to see you there! 🐾
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
open house
🐾💙 Thank you to our wonderful Social Emotional Support Specialists of our district for presenting to our teachers on the functions of behavior. 💙🐾 #DobiePride #BMSDobies
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
social emotional support
💙🐾 It may not be Valentine's Day just yet, but our Dobies were ready to start spreading the love! 💙🐾 #DobiePride
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
💙🐾Our awesome 6th grade math teachers, Ms. Garza and Mrs. Montesinos, kept our students engaged with a sweet math lesson on ratios today💙🐾 #learningissweet #DobiePride
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
math lesson
Dobie Pack, Come One, Come All! Join the fun and meet the Mighty Mustang baseball team on January 26th at 6:00 PM. 💙 💛 #1Pride
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
🐾💙 Time has been served. Thank you Roel for picking your wallet and serving your lunch detention. 💙🐾 #DobiePride #DobiePack #BlastFromThePast
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
Dobies, photo retakes will be happening Monday, January 29th.
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
Dobie Family, several games are happening this week! Make sure to drop by and show your support for our Mighty Dobermans 💙🐾 #DobiePride
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
🐾Our BMS Beauties are showing their dedication to the art of dance by working hard on a Sunday. Great job team! Keep up the excellent work🐾
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
Dobie Family, our eSports team needs your help! We have an amazing team that wants to purchase more consoles to prepare for competition. Through the power of community and the positive change we can create when we come together, we can help make a difference for our team. Any donation is greatly appreciated!
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
🐾 Congrats to our teams on their victories last night! Keep up the great work Mighty Dobermans, you're doing an excellent job! 🐾 #DobiePride #BMSDobies #DobiePack
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
🐾 Blast from the Past! While cleaning out some lockers, we found some former students' wallets. Roel, you still owe us lunch detention. 🐾 #DobiePride #BMSDobies
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
blast from the past
Boys and Girls Club Update 🐾
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
🚨 Weather Update: delays Tuesday & Wednesday🚨
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
FYI, resources available 🐾
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
🐾🚨Attention Dobie Pack: All tutorials and practices have been canceled for today, 1/15, and tomorrow, 1/16. We will continue to report any updates on social media 🚨🐾
12 months ago, Patricia Moss
💙BMS would like to thank our School Board Trustees for working toward shaping the future of education. Your commitment to our schools, staff, students, and community is truly appreciated.💙 #SchoolBoardMonth #DobiePride
about 1 year ago, Patricia Moss
School Board